
How to Have a Comfortable Summer Indoors

Kid in front of a fan

It's no secret that the Summer of 2020 has been a trying time for most Americans. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many to cancel traditional vacations in favor of staying at home. If you want to be comfortable in your castle over the next few months, these HVAC-related ideas are worthy of serious consideration.

Optimize Smart Thermostat Settings

To get the most bang for your HVAC dollar, keep your thermostat set to 78 degrees when you're home. Whenever possible, set the A/C to run only during waking hours. Finally, remember to raise your thermostat's activation and shutoff points if you're going to be out of town.

Give HVAC Hardware a Thorough Tune-Up

An inefficient A/C unit will run up utility bills and degrade indoor air quality. Changing filters and scrubbing down condenser coils will greatly improve HVAC efficiency right away. Cleaning out the blower assembly is another must. Lastly, flushing the condensate drain annually will prevent mold growth.

Have Your Ducts Cleaned by a Professional

If you're concerned about indoor air quality, cleaning out ducts may prevent illness in vulnerable individuals. Furthermore, clearing out ducts can also stop the spread of mold and remove pests like vermin from your household. A professional HVAC crew can advise you on the best course of action.

Manage Indoor Moisture Levels Carefully

During summer months, an indoor humidity level of roughly 40% is ideal for most. Appropriate humidity levels allow people to cool off more quickly and reduce the odds of sinus problems. A few dehumidifiers positioned in strategic locations will clear up the air without consuming a lot of electricity.

Invest in Air Filtration Technology

While standard HVAC air filters are good enough for most households, specialized equipment is required if you desire the purest air possible. Whole-house air filtration systems are the ultimate solution to airborne particulate problems. Electrostatic air filters are particularly adept at trapping contaminants.

Opt for a Multi-Zone A/C System

A multi-zone A/C system treats each room like a separate entity as far as heating and cooling go. The advantages of a multi-zone system include lower electricity bills and greater comfort to name just a few. While the up-front costs are higher, the long-term savings are substantial.

Use Shades to Passively Cool the Home

Preventing solar radiation from entering the house through the windows is one of the easiest ways to manage indoor temperatures. Many savvy homeowners simply close the blinds on south-facing windows during the daytime. Installing solar screens is an even more effective way to beat the heat.

Leverage Fans to Boost A/C System Efficiency

Simple fans amplify the perceived cooling power of air-conditioning units when deployed intelligently. Running a ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat's temperature a few degrees and feel just as cool. Floor fans pointed upwards force cool air to circulate around a home's occupants.

Seal the Gaps in Your Home's Exterior

A leaky exterior can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in energy bills. Make sure that windows and doors have adequate exterior weatherstripping. Use expanding foam insulation to plug gaps behind the window and door molding. If possible, replace old windows with high-efficiency, gas-filled models.

Upgrading Your HVAC Situation the Smart Way

Retaining the services of an exemplary HVAC company is the best way to beat the heat in the Bay Area. At Comfort Energy, Inc., we've been installing and repairing A/C systems at a high level since 2003. Call us today to see how we can make your home or business more comfortable!

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